I always wanted to write a good debrief of my successful GMAT experience. Alas, that never happened so far. I have written GMAT twice and have scored subpar in both the attempts. The first time I took a whole bunch of books BARRONS, KAPLAN, OG12, VERBAL and QUANT REVIEW, POWERPREP CR and MANHATTAN SC and gave equal importance to every book. I took all the CAT of KAPLAN, MANHATTAN, POWERPREP and GMATPREP. I was scoring around 640 on KAPLAN and MANHATTAN CATs and around 710 on POWERPREP and GMATPREP CATs. Finally, when I gave the official GMAT on April 04, I scored 640(V35,Q43,E6.0). I was pretty dissapointed, but was determined to do better the second attempt.
I enrolled for the full GMATPILL study program with the +50 point guaranttee. I had little more than a month for preparation and wanted to give the second attempt before the new IR section was introduced. I had a solid one month preparation, in which I only used OG12, VERBAL and QUANT REVIEW and GMATPILL videos. I again took MANHATTAN and GMATPREP CATs. This time I was scoring consistently above 730 on CATs. I even wrote few GMATCLUB quant and Verbal exams. I was scoring around 25-30 on the quant exams and around 35 on the verbal exams. When I gave the second official GMAT on Jun 02, I scored a dismal 600 (Q37,V35). I was very dissapointed.
I want to give GMAT again. But, I dont know what I should do to score above 700. I still dont know what mistake I did during the preparation for my second attempt.
Seniors/Experts, Please advice on how should I go about preparing for my next attempt. I want to score high. Kindly, help.