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Need advice on studying methodology to help raise my score

by anujkumar_ladha Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:19 pm

Hi everyone,

I am new to Manhattan GMAT. I recently took the actual exam 2nd time on Tuesday morning and scored a low 520. I felt very disappointed and disheartened after studying very hard and devoting extreme amounts of effort, time, and persistence for the past 3 months with Kaplan. I took a course with them - took all their 9 practice exams (including the Ultimate Practice Test) and had the following scores. Each CAT was taken at least once a week leading up to the test.

Diagnostic (start of course paper & pencil) - 440
CAT 1 - 550
CAT 2 - 620
CAT 3 - 550
CAT 4 - 540
CAT 5 - 620
CAT 6 - 560
UPT - 620
CAT 7 - 550
CAT 8 - 630

GMAT Prep 1 - 360 (very unexpected/scary) = this by no means is not my true potential

GMAT Prep 2 - 540 (41 Math and 23 Verbal)

** Actual exam - 520 (Verbal 28, Math 33)

But, I have to take this actual score as some encouragement that I have improved from the last time I took the test (November 2008 = 440).

My goal is to get a 670 and looking to take the test on August 8. That is two months now. Is this realistic? Please advise. I feel my brain is full/somewhat stressed right now from all previous studying. That's why I do not want to delay it too much longer than August.

For example, how are the 8 strategy guides and would one recommend spending the next 3 weeks just focusing on content and then trying MGMAT CAT 1 to see how I do? I am not going to take a course with Manhattan, as I have already taken two courses - Princeton and Kaplan and have not gotten the results I needed! Can't keep spending money, so I will simply self study every day couple hours = alternate days for math and verbal.

Please help me. I know 520 to 670 is going to be very tough, but I have strong willpower that it can be achieved. It's a matter of studying with the right methodology and content that is accurate of the actual exam.

I look forward to receiving advice and suggestions.

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Joined: Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:36 pm

Re: Need advice on studying methodology to help raise my score

by shyamprasadrao Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:10 pm

Why has your Math score decreased in real exam? Did you panic?

Math :- I am not sure of your origin, but you seem to be ok in Math.
Practice SETs 1 to 40, do a Math paper daily, jot down tricky questions,
generally we give in to small facts such as not considering -ve's or 0 or fractions.
This should help you cross 45 in Math. You might want to go through 1000 DS and PS. These are basic questions, but will build your fundamental and boost your confidence

SC - Start with Manhatan Sentence Correction Guide, try doing OG 10 completely and start with 1000 SC document. Write down why you are eliminating choices for atleast first 100 question you practice. This will tell you which concepts you have misunderstood.

CR:- Start with PowerScore CR Bible. It is an excellent book and has almost every type of question in it. You may then solve 1000 CR

RC :- Start with MODULE_V_-_How_to_crack_Reading_Comprehension.pdf . Also make sure you visit Nytime and Wall street Journal on a daily basis this will broaden your knowledge about variety of topics.

My sincere advice don't take a date pressurize yourself, unless needed. Relax, take a break or vacation and then start with GMAT. Once you start scoring above 600 take a date within next couple of months.

P.S. all the documents I have mentioned can be obtained from or
Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:00 pm

Re: Need advice on studying methodology to help raise my score

by anujkumar_ladha Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:55 am

Hi Shyam,

Thanks for your feedback. I plan to take the test on September 5 or September 12, so not August. Hopefully, this should give me enough time to really crack the exam on the next re-take. For the time being, I have been studying Number Properties and Critical Reasoning, two areas of weakness with MGMAT Strategy guides. I am also taking a course with Kaplan in addition to self-studying. I am planning on buying more strategy guides: sentence correction, one of them.

I have not taken a practice Cat yet since I took the actual exam on June 2.