I wrote the gmat today. I felt very sad when I saw my score.
I was aiming to apply to the 3rd round of the TOP 10. I have 10 days left. First question: could I improve my score from 470 TO 680 within 10 days (studying full time)??
I was so stressed that I could not even make simple calculation. Yet, I am so shocked by the verbal section. I thought I was doing well. I was not running out of time. I had no problem understanding the RC (I am a non native english-speaker).
I started my prep some months ago. But then got a new job and could not concentrate very much on the gmat. With the current financial crisis, I lost my job (but was happy since I could dedicate more time for the gmat prep). I had plenty of time and didn't study properly until the last 2 weeks.
I focused mainly on the quant part and worked on the verbal 4 days before the exam.
I prepared so many flashcard on quant that I could review them all before the exam. Additionally, I was busy discovering the templates and the topics for the AWA (1 day before). Anoher mistake is that I never run a full test on time except the gmatprep 1 and I got 420.
I have many weaknesses that I have to focus on but don't know which one except that I need to focus on both section specifically on the verbal.
Should I study with a private tutor? should I need more books and study on my own (I've already OG11+supplements-Iwent through all of them- MGMAT SC and recently Kaplan Math workbook).
I decided to study 2 more months full time (if I can't improve in 10 days -which is quite unrealistic-). After that, I need to go back to work...
I would greatly appreciate your advice on the plan I need to follow.