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Nasty CR Prompt

by PFWinkler Wed Apr 13, 2016 3:37 pm

Comes from a GMAT verbal question...I personally found this prompt to be rather challenging,

'Which of the following circumstances would make the petition as circulated misleading to voters who understand the proposal as extending the local ordinances statewide?'

--I am interested in seeing how others would tackle this question simply by looking at the prompt alone

Here is what I am thinking...

'Which of the following circumstances' --> interesting, suggestions more then one of something

'circulated...misleading' --> gets out to a lot of people

'who understand the proposal' --> ok, so people are being mislead by something circulated...

Could be a weak question, or possibly reason/logic...

Thank you,
Posts: 19744
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:23 am

Re: Nasty CR Prompt

by RonPurewal Sat Apr 16, 2016 2:50 am

please follow the forum rules. thanks.

specifically, no "pieces" of problems—we need the entire problem, as originally presented, including answer choices.

this problem is a PERFECT illustration of why we have this rule!

without the accompanying specifics (what is the "petition"? what is the "proposal"?), this prompt has no positive value.
worse, this "exercise" encourages people to think in EXACTLY the way NOBODY SHOULD EVER think about CR problems—namely, as weird abstractions without CONCRETE SPECIFICS.


if this problem is actually from the GMAT Prep FREE software, then please post the problem in its entirety, as originally presented, with all of the original answer choices + the official correct answer (as per the forum rules).
Posts: 19744
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:23 am

Re: Nasty CR Prompt

by RonPurewal Sat Apr 16, 2016 2:57 am

also, if you find this sort of thing hard, just "dumb it down" into WORDS THAT A 9-YEAR-OLD COULD UNDERSTAND.

this is something you should ALWAYS be able to do.
(i personally have close to zero capacity for abstract thought. so, if i can understand something, a 9-year-old can probably understand it, too. since i can generally understand all of these passages, this means you should be able to get ALL of them into words that a theoretical 9-year-old would understand.)


Which of the following circumstances would make the petition as circulated misleading to voters who understand the proposal as extending the local ordinances statewide?

—> words that a 9-year-old could understand:

If I think this thing would affect the whole state of California,
why would I get the wrong idea from
how these guys wrote THIS THING?