I had my GMAT exam this thursday and it was a very horrible day till the time my GMAT score flashed on the screen.Before the exam I was very nervous, so nervous that I could not stop smiling (I smile when I am nervous..:P).
The exam began at 6:00PM and while doing AWA, the nerves settled and I was much more comfortable by the time I was done with AWA. Then after taking a break I started with the QA section and in contrast to what most of the GMAT takers say, I felt the QA section to be tougher than that of MGMATs and GMATPreps. In practice tests I have been able to complete the whole QA section at least 10 minutes before time, but on GMAT day it went upto the last minute.
Then again after a two minute break, I started with the verbal section. I knew that verbal was the real threat to my chances of securing a good score as in the practice tests my VA score varied from 35 to 43. I started cautiously and felt the RCs to be easier than those of MGMATs(In MGMATs my accuracy in RCs has been less than 50%) . I felt the level of the other two sections was not very different from the ones in the MGMATs and GMATPreps. I completed my VA section with a minute or two to go.
Even though I did the best I could, I didnt feel good. But when I saw the score, I again went into the smiling phase though this time it was not the nervous smile.I scored 760(50,44).
The ManhattanGMAT strategy guides were the only material that I used for preparing for GMAT and I doubt I could have got this much score by preparing from any other source. All thanks to ManhattanGMAT for providing an excellent source of GMAT preparation.