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... my first attempt: Big Fail. Need some advice please.

by Kapatam Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:23 pm

Hi guys.

Today I took my first official GMAT test and scored an appalling 550. Something around Q38 and V28. I don't remember the exact number. I'm utterly destroyed.

For the last month and a half I've tried to take time from places I shouldn't or couldn't (work, wife, etc) to get my stuff ready for this test. Apparently, my fruitless efforts to get a 660+ have lacked not only time but also a big deal of strategy and organization, which is why I beg you to give me your opinion and advice on what should I do next. Any comments are most welcome.

What I've done so far:

1. Two months ago I bought the OG 2014. I went through it, but realised how incomplete and misleading it is.

2. So I looked up on the internet and found the Manhattan prep books about a month and a half ago. The first book I bought was the word problems guide. I found it so much easier, complete and fun to go through. I started devouring each guide picking first the subjects I felt I was doing worse. So I went from the 4th guide backwards and then read the sentence correction guide.

3. I also did 4 out of the 6 MGMAT tests and 3 out of the 4 official GMATPREP tests. In every single one I scored around 600 (more or less Q40 and V35). Every time, my verbal section was getting destroyed by the sentence correction, where I got usually 8 to 10 wrong.

Finally, just so you know, I'm not interested in a MBA program. I'm pursuing a Master in Real Estate, where they also accept GRE. Should I take that exam instead? I was planning to start the Manhattan full online course next monday... but given the score, I'm not sure if it will get me even close to the 660 the masters degree asks for.

Cheers! =(
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Re: ... my first attempt: Big Fail. Need some advice please.

by nathann701 Tue May 19, 2020 2:34 pm

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