I feel like taking practice tests (after studying properly) is the best way to simulate the testing experience and will likely lead to better test scores. I have taken two of the practice tests so far. I am taking the self guided course and doing all of the homework.
The first test I took I scored fairly poorly. I was surprised because my math skills tend to be very strong. When I do the homework I rarely miss any math questions (although sometimes timing is an issue).
The next test I took I did worse. In fact I did very poorly scoring (I think) 55%. But during the test I noticed something that I noticed in the first test and forgot about.
When I look at the MGMAT interface the words are very small and very challenging to read. I struggle with this and it leads to confusion in the problem and my eyes start to bother me.
So after my abysmal performance last night I decided to try one of the GMAT prep software tests. I scored in the 90th percentile. I have no problems reading their site and their questions are much easier to read once without having to go through a second time. It is not the sentence structure, it is the way their screen looks. Their characters appear to be twice the font size and far less mashed together.
I don't know if this would cause me to score better but it is worth simulating as close to possible as the testing experience. Is there a way to adjust such features in the CAT tests from MGMAT?