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MGMAT - SC - Chapter 3 - Q15 Problem set

by rohit421990 Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:52 am

The proliferation of computer games designed to involved many players at once were first developed before the widespread availability of high-speed internet connection.

Please correct the above sentence (if any).

In the book, 'were' is not replaced with 'was'. Isn't the book wrong?
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Re: MGMAT - SC - Chapter 3 - Q15 Problem set

by RonPurewal Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:21 am

rohit421990 Wrote:The proliferation of computer games designed to involved many players at once were first developed before the widespread availability of high-speed internet connection.

Please correct the above sentence (if any).

In the book, 'were' is not replaced with 'was'. Isn't the book wrong?

If you have "a large number of xxxx" "” or something equivalent "” then that's plural.
E.g., you'd say A large number of people were present at the meeting ... but The number of people present was larger than expected.
Hopefully, the difference is clear. The former example is akin to, e.g., 500 people; i.e., the sentence deals with what the people did, not with anything about the number itself. The latter sentence is about the number, not directly about the people (the number, not the people, is "large").

This sentence is using "proliferation of..." to mean "large number of...", not to mean the actual process by which the games proliferated. (Only the games themselves, not the literal process of proliferation, could have been "developed".)
That's a bit unusual, I acknowledge.

Was this the issue actually being tested in the problem?
Posts: 19744
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:23 am

Re: MGMAT - SC - Chapter 3 - Q15 Problem set

by RonPurewal Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:23 am

By the way, this is the wrong folder for this question; it belongs in the MGMAT non-CAT verbal folder.
From now on, please post questions in the correct folder. Thanks.