Source: MGMAT CAT 5 number 12.
If x is not equal to 0, is |x| less than 1?
(1) x/|x| < x
(2) |x| > x
OA is C, my answer is E.
It looks like this one has gotten quite a few attention, but I still don't know how it is resolved.
Here is how I understand it.
Rephrasing the question, is -1<x<1 (not including 0)
1. Two scenarios result depending on whether X is positive or negative
a. if X is positive then...
b. if x is negative then...
okay, from this statement, if you were to graph on a number link would be 1<X , X<1
2. This tells me that X is a negative, could be a negative number or negative fraction. INSUFFICIENT
3. Together, since statement 2 tells me that X is negative, then, the following scenario is accurate:
Okay, X is less than 1, but is it -1<x<1 ? There is no way of telling. Hence it is E. Not C.
Please help if you think my reasoning in incorrect