RonPurewal Wrote:abhasjha Wrote:Meteor showers and individual streaks of light that flash across the sky every night are generated when tiny flecks of celestial detritus, often no larger than grains of sand or of pebbles, burn up speeding through the atmosphere.
A. grains of sand or of pebbles, burn up speeding
B. grains of sand or pebbles, burn up while speeding
C. grains of sand or pebbles, which burn up while speeding
D. a grain of sand or pebble, which burns up as it speeds
E. a grain of sand or a pebble, burns up when it speeds
"flecks of ... detritus" is plural, so the COMPARISON, in order to be properly parallel, should involve another plural noun. (this should be especially clear here, since there's a singular/plural split in the other half of the comparison.)
you should compare "flecks of ... detritus" with the plural "grains of...", not with the singular "a grain of..."
this eliminates (d) and (e).
the part following "are generated WHEN" should be a CLAUSE, with a principal subject and verb.
in (c) and (d), there is no such verb. (the intended verb is swallowed up within a "which" modifier, leaving no main verb for the clause.)
so (c) is gone.
in (a), "of pebbles" doesn't make sense (by parallelism, this would imply "grains of pebbles", which is nonsensical).
also, "burn up speeding" is unclear and awkward.
last man standing is (b)
Hi Ron
Is "Verb1+Verb2-ing" generally wrong or it is just "burn up speeding" not making sense?
i.e; is it possible to say
He walks holding a book in left hand.
Thank you Ron.