If you have any concerns about business school applications, deadlines, etc. mbaMission Admissions Consultants will answer your questions!
ManhattanGMAT Staff
Posts: 110
Joined: Fri Nov 14, 2008 5:40 am

MBAMission Live Online Long-Term Planning Seminar on 4/29

by Briehan_in_SS Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:21 pm

Applying to B-School in the Fall? It's not too early to start planning!

Preparing quality business school applications can take months. If you’re applying in the Fall, now is the time to get a head start on understanding the application process. During this free seminar, Jeremy Shinewald, founder of admissions consulting firm mbaMission, will provide you with valuable insight into the b-school application process, as well as advice for how to best utilize your time leading up to first round deadlines.

Wednesday, April 29th
8:30 - 10:30 pm (EST)
Held in our Live Online Classroom

Seminar topics will include:

* Maximizing the Impact of Community Activities
* Accelerating Personal Goals
* Building an Alternative Transcript
* Taking and Retaking the GMAT
* Making the Most of Campus Visits

Join us for this valuable event and start establishing your game plan for the next six months!

All attendees of this exclusive event will receive:

* 10% off any 9-session ManhattanGMAT course
* Free access to a ManhattanGMAT computer adaptive practice exam

Register Online Now!