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Many Financial Xperts, "ADV+PARTCPLE" now viewing the econo

by vinversa Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:38 am

GMAT prep problem

I have seen some examples where there are words that appear in front of the PARTICIPLE MODIFIER that is separated from the SUBJECT by a COMMA - like:::: Now, Thus, Cautiously (all ADVERBS)

GMATees - please challenge or offer additional evidence to the findings please....

Looking at the example given - can we say that using ADVERBS in front of PARTICIPLE MODIFIER that is separated from the SUBJECT by a COMMA is - Standard English. Could this be true also of PREPOSITIONS like In, On, While etc

----Many Financial Experts, viewing the economy ----
Many Financial Experts, "now" viewing the economy
Many Financial Experts, "cynically" viewing the economy
Many Financial Experts, "when" viewing the economy
Many Financial Experts, "once" viewing the economy
Many Financial Experts, "thus" viewing the economy
Many Financial Experts, "hence" viewing the economy

Correct sentence with - OA - A
Many financial experts believe that policy makers at the Federal Reserve, now viewing the economy as balanced between moderate growth and low inflation, are almost certain to leave interest rates unchanged for the foreseeable future.

A. Reserve, now viewing the economy as balanced between moderate growth and low inflation, are
B. Reserve, now viewing the economy to be balanced between that of moderate growth and low inflation and are
C. Reserve who, now viewing the economy as balanced between moderate growth and low inflation, are
D. Reserve, who now view the economy to be balanced between that of moderate growth and low inflation, will be
E. Reserve, which now views the economy to be balanced between moderate growth and low inflation, is
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Re: Many Financial Xperts, "ADV+PARTCPLE" now viewing the econo

by vinversa Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:04 am

More info....

Using, I just noticed that these words are classified as PREPOSITIONS & ADVERBS at the same time.

In, On, Over, To, Under, about

But not these.. These are classified as PREPOSITIONS but not as ADVERBS....

Of, for, with, against

Here is a list of Prepositions

The most common prepositions are "about," "above," "across," "after," "against," "along," "among," "around," "at," "before," "behind," "below," "beneath," "beside," "between," "beyond," "but," "by," "despite," "down," "during," "except," "for," "from," "in," "inside," "into," "like," "near," "of," "off," "on," "onto," "out," "outside," "over," "past," "since," "through," "throughout," "till," "to," "toward," "under," "underneath," "until," "up," "upon," "with," "within," and "without."
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Re: Many Financial Xperts, "ADV+PARTCPLE" now viewing the econo

by tim Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:32 pm

As near as i can tell, you've either not asked a question or answered your own question. All the words you use are adverbs modifying "viewing", which in turn anchors a phrase modifying the noun "experts", and everything works out nicely..
Tim Sanders
Manhattan GMAT Instructor

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