I have two questions from Manhattan GMAT Sentence Correction, chapter 7 verb tense and mood.
The explanation goes as follows:Helen would feel better if she swallowed this pill.
swallowed is in the present tense of the hypothetical subjunctive mood.
What is present tense of the hypothetical subjunctive mood? In the book I did not find more information about it. Also, can the correct answer be 'Helen would feel better if she swallow this pill?' Is past tense of swallow necessary?
My another question is
Ethan is unsure what to do tonight: his boss wants that he stay at the office, but his wife insists that he come home for dinner.
The correct answer goes like:
Ethan is unsure what to do tonight: his boss wants him to stay stay at the office, but his wife insists that he come home for dinner.
I think answer should be ...but his wife insists that he be come home...
Why the command subjunctive is not written as 'be come home?'
I would be grateful if somebody helps me. Thanks!