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Manhattan SC guide 4th edition( page 191)

by origen87 Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:05 am

Dear Sir/Mam,
Manhattan SC guide 4th edition( page 191) says:
The dam has created dead zones,where fish have disappeared.
Doesn't "have" here refer to "fish" which is singular?

Curious to know if the below detailed sentences are correct..
The dam has created dead zones,where fish has disappeared.
The dam has created dead zones,where fish disappeared.
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Re: Manhattan SC guide 4th edition( page 191)

by jlucero Tue Aug 14, 2012 6:18 pm

1) For fastest response, make sure you are posting in the proper forum.

2) In the words of the famous Dr. Seuss- One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. Fish is a word that can be used in the singular or plural sense.
Joe Lucero
Manhattan GMAT Instructor