Hello all,
This is my first time on this site and I think it's incredible. I've read some great tips which I hope will aid in my studying.
I have completed the Official Guide v.11 and would now like to move on to CAT exams. I have exactly two weeks remaining and have not tested myself on such an exam (only paper diagnostics from Kaplan and those in the OG book). Could you please recommend which tests are:
a) most accurate to the real deal
b) best value? When I found some MGMAT prep books on BN.com it said I'd receive 3 online exams (plus the SC guide), vs. 6 online exams (plus the SC guide) on your site. Are all of these adaptive?
I plan to take the two provided exams from MBA.com this week and next week, yet was looking for additional CATs.
Many thanks and best wishes to all.