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MBA Hopeful

Lopsided GMAT Scores - Otherwise Strong Profile

by MBA Hopeful Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:38 pm

3.4 Undergrad GPA
3 years Fortune 500 Corporate Finance
2 Years as an Expat with Clinton Foundation's HIV / AIDS Initiative.

Took the GMAT twice.

640 35Q 41V
670 48Q 34V

I certainly have the ability to score well on both Q and V however i haven't been able to make it happen at the same time. Will the adcom's give any additional consideration to my 670 due to the strong verbal showing on the other attempt? Or should i try to make it all click in one try?

Considering- UVA, UT Austin, Yale


by MBAApply Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:18 pm

Your GMAT would be on the margins for the schools you mentioned -- if you are confident that you can do well on both on the next attempt, I don't think it would hurt. But if prepping for the retake takes significant time away from your essays, then I wouldn't bother.

Alex Chu