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List or Independent clauses

by JbhB682 Mon Jul 10, 2017 10:49 am

Hi Tutors, i was reviewing a Thursday with Ron video and i had the following Question

Ron mentioned, this sentence was wrong (made up so no copyright issues)

I ate Turkey, and Soup and Beans, gave me a lot of protein

Question :

--- If i were to assume its two separate clauses, this sentence is accurate

independent clause 1) - I ate Turkey == makes sense and can stand on its own
Independent clause 2) Soup and Beans, gave me a lot of protein == makes sense and can stand on its own

the reason i think of this has 2 independent clauses is because there is a comma and between turkey and soup...

Please let me know why above sentence is wrong
Sage Pearce-Higgins
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Re: List or Independent clauses

by Sage Pearce-Higgins Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:42 am

Which video is this from (please give a date)?

The sentence is wrong because of the comma after 'beans'. Without that comma, it would just be two independent clauses linked with 'and' (i.e. fine). Commas fulfill lots of different functions, and the sentence is potentially confusing because the comma after 'turkey' could be starting a list, or could be separating clauses.

However, I don't know the context of this discussion. I would encourage you not to spend too much time considering hypothetical sentences away from the context of real GMAT problems.