anoo.anand Wrote:just one question :: when do we use JUST LIKE and LIKE ?
on the gmat, i doubt that you'll ever pick "just like" if it's placed against "like".
anoo.anand Wrote:just one question :: when do we use JUST LIKE and LIKE ?
erpriyankabishnoi Wrote:question -
as a general rule - "as" is used to compare clauses
"like" is used to compare noun/noun phrases
Can there be a situation in which "as" can be used to compare noun/noun phrase and still considered grammatically correct?
Also, in parallelism do we need to repeat article -"the" in a parallel structure. Explanation for choice A says that article "the" needs to be repeated to have a proper parallel structure.....Is this always true for a parallel construct for articles - a, an, the - I used to think we don't need to repeat helping verbs and articles in a parallel structure....we can just consider them part of the second parallel part when one (an article or a helping verb) appears in the first parallel part of the sentence, repetition is not required to be parallel.....but this does not seem to be the case here.
alwaysudit Wrote:The explanation given for option B reads as follows
The construction that follows "as" is "with other performance indicators," a prepositional phrase; there is no other prepositional phrase to which this construction can be parallel.
Can someone please elaborate this explanation. Why is the prepositional phrase need to be made parallel.