I just did it and got 690 (90%) Q49 (89%) V34(70%)
I am happy with the result although I was aiming for a 700 plus. I knew I was going to perform worse in verbal for sure. What it pissed me off is that I think I was doing great in verbal when in the middle of my verbal exam not in the examination classrom but above a leak started to freak me out. I was running out of time in my exam because as I was doing pretty good (I think) and the questions were hard and the drop was going toc, toc, toc killing my nervs (the corks dont work, belive me).... I raised my hand to see if the lady could do something, but she couldnt and moreover I lost a precious time with her... Then I started to get even more nervous with the extra lost of time. So I think I performed quite bad in the last part of my verbal exam. I couldn´t even read the last test and try tu surf trough it looking at what the question was demanding. That affected my las 15 questions or so... Without that I think I could have get a 36-37 or so in verbal that would have bolster my note up to 710-720.
At the end, tha lady appologized but she said since it was not inside the examination classrom she couldnt do anything.
Anyway, that is what I got. I would like to ask the experts what do they think. I have hear that big differences between quant and verbal are not good for the applications. 34 in verbal means a 70% so I dont know... I want to apply to some of the top ten BS like Wharton or Harvard, but also to some other worse ones...
I hope this score wont undermine my opportunities of getting in one of those top ten BS (specially because that difference between quant and verbal). What do you think?. Obviously it is not such a great note so I need specially good applications, I know- I´ll work hard on them now.
I want to thank all the MGMAT team. I think your are great and as I said somewhere before it is clearly the best site to prepare the GMAT. I wouldnt do it without your great help.
Now I will start to check the your sections about applications and everything.
Thanks a lot