I started studying for the GMAT during the last semester of my senior year in college, Fall 2010. I signed up for a course with MGMAT, studied for a month before deciding that I wanted to focus on my classes instead.
I decided to postpone the GMAT till six months after graduation. During those six months, I finished the 9-week MGMAT course, the strategy guides, the three OG books, and Powerscore's CR bible.
MGMAT1-pre-test (with AWA): 460
MGMAT2 (with AWA): 530
MGMAT3 (with AWA): 540
MGMAT4: 490
GMATprep: 420
Real GMAT: 490
After six months, and about $1,500 spend on a 9-week MGMAT course, energy drinks, the GMAT test. Not to mention all the stress and time I put in, I only scored 30 points better than BEFORE even studying. Yeah, it's a bit embarrassing.
This setback / fall will by no means prevent me from reaching my goals. I am planning on hiring a tutor for $50-100 from a third party tutoring site, bc I can't afford the $175 rate with MGMAT (for course students). I'm also considering on getting a few Algebra and Geometry textbooks for extra practice.
I'd like to hit a 600 with 10-20 hours of tutoring, and I'd like to hit a 700+ with 30-40 hours of tutoring. Do these numbers sound reasonable?
I'm a smart guy and a hard worker, and feel that I didn't do enough practice problems/work on my weaknesses.