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Is "and also" definitely wrong(because of redundancy)?

by tolotolot247 Fri Oct 27, 2017 10:07 pm

I am asking this question because I have seen that OG clearly explains that an answer choice is wrong because " and also" is redundant. However, I have also seen the appearance of " and also" in their own words. I mean they write things with this phrase but at the same time say it is redundant in the explanations( which means it is not the right usage?). The same case is for" comma, which". I studied some grammar prep book saying "comma, which" cannot refer to the preceding clause in the GMAT. Is that true?

So "and also" is definitely wrong? Whenever you see it appear in the answer choice, you should eliminate that choice? Or it is just redundant but grammatically right and we should keep it as the right answer if no other better choices appear?

Sage Pearce-Higgins
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Re: Is "and also" definitely wrong(because of redundancy)?

by Sage Pearce-Higgins Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:17 am

No, 'and also' is not always wrong. Clearly it has a role in language as a way of emphasizing: "Jimmy ate two pizzas and he also finished off a large bowl of ice-cream."

Basically, you shouldn't trust the Official Guide explanations for SC: they have lots of contradictions. Also, the topic of 'redundancy' should be just about the last thing you check SC answers for, as it's the most subjective (with some exceptions, such as "the price rose by at least 10% or more"). Look for more material problems and use the Navigator explanations to help you.