by karan13 Sat Jun 04, 2011 6:56 am
hi this is a tough one....
just trying this i cud be wrong... either ways i would like to know the right answer.
from the question stem x/y>2 this can only be true if X and y are positive or if both are negative.
1. this says x-y<2
now keep in mind the condition above if you try +nos x =15 and y =5. this will satisfy the question stem condiotn but fail 1. now if we take neg x= -15 and y =-5 then stem conditon satisfied but fails 1 condtiton there we move to smaller nos. x=3 y =1 this fails 1 as well. therefore fractions will satisfy all stem conditions and 1 coddition and will also answer your question 3x+2y<18 therefore we get a yes and this is sufficient.
2.this says y-x<2 again only fractions will satisfy it and answer is sufficient
Therefore my best answer is D. Please let me know what the correct answer is.