Source GMAT PRep
In the xy-place, line K passes through the point (1,a), L passes through the point (1,b), and both the lines pass through the origin. Is K's slope > L's Slope?
Stat 1 - ab> 0
Stat 2 - |a| > |b|
Please see my approach and correct me if I am wrong.
(1, a) (0, 0) - Slope - a/1
(1, b) (0, 0) - Slope - b/1
Is a > b?
Stat 1 - Insufficient - As a=-5 , b=-3 or vice versa
Stat 2- Insufficient - As a =-5 and b =3 would get NO and a= 5 and b =3 would get yes.
Both together - Insufficient
Hence, E