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in order to preserve the health of its local economy

by abhisheks901 Tue May 29, 2018 11:42 pm

Que) in order to preserve the health of its local economy, (Chapter 6,Que. 3, page 190, CR, 6th edition manhattan).

My query is that if by opening a costmart store, cities have experienced any economic benefits, how is it going to help the local economy? this option (C) has stated nothing about the bankruptcy of local retailers.

As the question statement was very big, I have given a very accurate description of the question location. I hope you understand it is not possible to type such a big question, given the time restraints i am working in.

Sage Pearce-Higgins
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Re: in order to preserve the health of its local economy

by Sage Pearce-Higgins Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:56 am

I'm not sure of the core of your confusion. If you're concerned that 'economic benefits' and 'helping the economy' are different, then take a good dose of common sense. These are the kind of equivalent statements that GMAT expects you to spot. If, on the other hand, you're concerned that the economic benefits aren't 'local' - i.e. that there are two different economic areas - then look closely at the conclusion. The argument claims that 'In order to preserve the health of its local economy, Metropolis...', and answer C asks whether 'other cities...experienced economic benefits'. In both cases the economy at state is the city's. Finally, I agree that the argument isn't perfect at all. Even if we found an answer to the question posed in answer C, we'd still not be totally convinced. However, we're looking for the 'most useful' answer and the other answer choices ask far less relevant questions.