Hey guys,
I just took the gmat last week and scored poorly on the Verbal section. I got 600 (Q 50 V 25) although I studied 3 months. I am very discouraged.
I wonder if any of u guys have experienced the same situation, and how did u overcome that?
I'm an international student, so, I guess Math is my strength but Verbal otherwise is my weakness.
I will be taking the exam again in June' 11 so have 2 months to study. My target is 700+.
Previously I studied the following books
1) OG 12th Edition
2) OG Verbal Review
3) Manhattan Sentence Correction
4) Manhattan 6 online test (I completed them all and my GMAT score was more close to the scores in these tests. Although i used to get in lower 30s in verbal and lower 40s in Quant in these tests)
Any recommendations for good books? Will the classes like Manhattan help in this regard and will they concentrate equally on Quant and Verbal?
I would appreciate if you please advise me what the best way is to study and what other books and online tests you would recommend...
Please help!!!