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If m & n are integers and m > n, is m divisible by n?

by mclaren7 Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:14 am

Dear moderators and friends,

Data sufficiency:

If m & n are integers and m > n, is m divisible by n?
1. 2m is divisible by n.
2. m^2 is divisible by n.

For 1,
2m / n --> assuming n is 2, m could by 3, 4.

For 2,
m.m / n
I do not know if there is a mathematical way of solving, I just plugged in numbers.
Works for 4.4/2 ---> 4/2
Not for 6.6/4 ---> 6/4

Together, i am not sure how best to proceed.
m^2 - 2m / n
= m(m-2)/n

Thus m or (m-2) is divisible by n.

Source: paid GMAT services. Is this kind of question too hard?


by Guest Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:45 pm

I think this type of question is quite common.

my answer is E.

I plugged in numbers too, like you did.

For questions like this, i like to make a little table.

m 2m n
6 12 4 Doesnt work
8 16 4 Works

So, insufficient.
m m^2 n
6 36 4 Doesnt work
8 64 4 Works

Now, together
m m^2 2m n
6 36 12 4 Doesnt work
8 64 16 4 Works

So, answer is E.

by mclaren7 Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:01 pm

Much appreciated.
Thanks & good luck.
Posts: 19744
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:23 am

by RonPurewal Fri Mar 14, 2008 4:39 am

since this question is about divisibility by specific numbers (even though those 'numbers' are variables, in this case), you should employ the 'prime box' (prime factorization) approach.

does the 'prime box' {prime factorization) of m contain all the primes that multiply to yield n?

this means that the 'prime box' of 2m contains all the primes that multiply together to make n. (IMPORTANT: n itself doesn't have to be in the box, as it is not necessarily prime.)
the 'prime box' of m is the same as the above 'prime box', except for that one '2' has been removed.
if that '2' is part of n, though - and there aren't any other '2's to take its place - then all the primes needed to make n will no longer be present (answer to question = NO).
if n does not contain a 2, though, or if there are other '2's to take the place of the removed one, then all the primes required to make n will still be in the box for m (answer to question = YES).

this means that the 'prime box' of m^2 contains all the primes that multiply together to make n. (as before, n itself doesn't have to be in the box, as it doesn't have to be prime.)
the prime box for m^2 contains all the primes required to make m, TWICE. if n is contained in this box, we have no guarantee that it will still be contained in the smaller box for just m (which contains only half as many primes).

taking both statements together doesn't resolve the issues stated for either.

answer = e


follow-up: if you're told that n is prime, then the answer is now B. see if you can explain that and/or come up with examples to substantiate it.