I took the Quant Assessment and scored above 75%, but I can tell that my general foundations of math are pretty rusty (e.g. I struggle to remember how to combine exponents and what to do with negative exponents; I am pretty rusty with long division with decimals and other middle school math; etc. etc.). I can tell that all I need is a little reminder of the concepts.
I am only in the second week of my course. Should I try to review FOM before we start diving deeper in to the class, or should I wait to review the sections as they are covered in the syllabus or homework? I want to be smart and efficient with my time and study approach. [Keep in mind that I'm already spending 2.5 hours (week days) and 4 hours (weekend days) prepping.]
If I were to attach FOM before we got further into the course, I was considering doing the FOM workshop recordings first, rather than read the FOM book (to mix it up). Thoughts? Suggestions? All are appreciated! Thanks!!