I'm giving my GMAT in four weeks and have already completed a large part of preliminary preparation.
I have so far given 3 Manhattan CATs, a Princeton test and a test on The Economist. My test scores below
1. CAT 1 (without IR) - Diagnostic test - 660 (Q44, V36)
2. CAT 2 (with AWA and IR) - 580 (Q 34, V 35)
3. CAT 3 (with AWA and IR) 680 (Q 44, V 38)
As you can see, I'm not able to improve past this road block and it feels like I have not grown much since my first test. The tests were all wide apart with a lot of preparation in between.
A major issue was the timing - I am losing time on tough quant questions. When I skip questions by guessing, my score shows no improvement. It's mostly the 700 - 800 level questions that I find more challenging to complete in the given time frame.
The irony is, I consider myself to be strong in mathematical concepts and have previously performed well on standardised tests like the GRE with minimum preparation.
I'm comfortable with Verbal when it comes to time, but I am missing the extremely hard questions because I miss some nuances in the language.
I want to get my Verbal Score up to at least 40 and quant to 50. Will this be enough to get a 700 + score?
What's the best and most efficient way for me to tackle my prep for the next four weeks? How can I push my score to the 700 level?
Please help!!