I gave my second GMAT exam yesterday and scored very low. A disappointing 580(Q 45, V 25). Last year in the December month I have given my first GMAT exam and scored miserably 560(Q 43, V 24). I am in a shocked and confused state as I am not able to understand what went wrong.
During my first attempt I only devoted 1 month to the preparation and scored consistently poor in the gmat prep exams (on a average 560-580). That quiet explained my poor performance in the real test as well. That's why I decided to give a second attempt.
But this time I devoted around 3 months for the preparations. For Quant I completed all the Manhattan Books and also its sentence correction guide. On all the Manhattan mock tests I scored an average 680 (Q 44, V 38). In the GMAT prep tests I scored 660 and 680. I am not able to understand this difference of 100 points between the mocks and the real test. I am weak in Sentence correction because in all the practice tests also I was only able to get 50% correct. But know I am quiet sure my full verbal is weak. There are a couple of questions which are troubling me .
1) I am having a self doubt whether I will be able to score well (around 700 , for admission in some good college) in the GMAT.
2) Should I think of retaking the GMAT or leave it . If I take, I am not sure what strategy to follow.
3) I am terribly upset with the second score. Don't know what to do next. Feeling like stuck somewhere.
Please advice me what to do next and how to cope with this.