Study and Strategy questions relating to the GMAT.

How accurate is the MGMAT scoring tool?

by sumith Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:21 pm


I gave a practise MGMAT test and below is my score

Quant - Right -> 29 Wrong->8

Verb - Right -> 36 Wrong -> 5

the score the MGMAt gave me for V 40 and Q 40 . I believe this to be wrong as I have received higher scores in Kaplan, GMAT Prep etc for scores that are similar or not as good as these.. Especially with Verbal getting only 5 wrong should have taken, in my view, my score above 40

I personally believe this to be one of the best Verbal tests I have given but am disappointed by the scores given.


MGMAT CAT is typically 40 pts below GMAT Prep

by illini012 Sun Aug 17, 2008 11:05 pm

Everyone seems to agree that GMAT prep software provided free by GMAC is the most accurate gauge of your true GMAT performance.

After reading around several forums, it apears MGMAT is little harder than the real thing, epecially its quant section.

It is a good bet MGMAT score will be good 40 pts lower than the real GMAT.
ManhattanGMAT Staff
Posts: 9363
Joined: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:05 am
Location: Montreal

by StaceyKoprince Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:15 am

The standard error on our test is 50 points - up OR down. Our scores do not trend only higher or only lower. I do agree that GMATPrep is the best indicator of your potential score on the real test. But I also believe that our test is the next most accurate indicator. (I don't know the standard error for other companies' tests, but I know the real test has a standard error of 30 points and I know that, so far, we publish our standard error and other companies don't. That doesn't automatically mean ours is the closest after GMATPrep, of course - but at least you have the data point to compare!)

The results you post do seem a bit odd though - something strange might be going on there, esp. in verbal. Have you taken a lot of our tests? If so, have you mostly been scoring in the same range?

You can also send an email to and ask that someone look into this (I'm suggesting you send that email because I don't want you to post your account information here on the web!). Then someone can go take a look at the data more closely to see what was going on.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum