Study and Strategy questions relating to the GMAT.
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Help putting together a study/prep outline

by jeremy.hansen Sat Mar 27, 2010 6:47 pm

I am the type of person that feels most comfortable when I have list or set plan that I can go through. Without a guide I tend to feel uncomfortable and distracted. I recently took the Official Guide diagnostic and would appreciate help in crafting my study plan - even if it just a short term, or how to evaluate and work from the results.

My scores were
Data Sufficiency - AVG 12
Quantitative AVG 14
Sentence Correction A-AVG 13
Critical Reasoning EXC - 14
Reading Comp - EXC 17.

Obviously I need to focus on math (i suspect my DA results were more a result of knowing how to solve the problems rather than the DS style of question)

A couple of possibilities occur to me

1) Go through the incorrect answers, put them into specific buckets and work on the weakest first using specific Manhatten guides. Take practice exams periodically and adjust studying plan according to weaknesses. (how often?)

2) Go through the the Manhatten Math foundations book first. Take a practice exam then design prep according to 1.

Or something I have not considered. Basically looking for some direction on how to approach the prep.

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Re: Help putting together a study/prep outline

by StaceyKoprince Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:11 pm

Great question! Here's an article on how to develop a study plan:

And here's one on how to evaluate a (ManhattanGMAT) practice test:

Also, sign up for a free MGMAT practice test and get the free ebook The GMAT Uncovered. That will give you a good overview of how the test works and what you should be thinking about as you develop your study plan and actually study!

Finally, you can download a PDF of the full ManhattanGMAT syllabus (the one we use in our classes) here:
Under the highlights section, click on "Official Manhattan GMAT Course Syllabus [pdf]"

Good luck!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum