Thank you for your inquiry.
The AdComs certainly understand that some people face difficult circumstances during college which affect these individuals’ grades. As long as you don’t make excuses, but deal with this in an upfront manner, you should have your best shot at overcoming your obstacles.
You can take the GMAT and do your utmost to score above your target schools average. You can also take additional classes in finance, accounting and calculus to develop and alternative transcript. Finally, you can showcase any quant work that you have done professionally to alleviate doubts.
Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission
MBA Mission Insider’s Guides:
Guest Wrote:Hi,
During undergrad I worked approx. 20-25 hours per week due to a family financial situation I had no control over, this did hamper my GPA and has put me outside the 80% acceptance range for my target schools. I know I can address this in the optional essay, but are the schools going to think a poor GPA from working is an excuse for having a poor GPA? Also is their anything I can do to show that my GPA is not representative of my true abilities?
Thank you.