dont know how i did 710.gmat has a bias against quant it seems.i got 50 and 37 and my score stands at 710 whereas my fellow b school aspirant got 47 40 and he got a 730.
1.Pattern recognition is key.envision yourself as the eccentric laureate john nash trying to decipher russian morse codes .
2.Sentence correction .flash cards are helpful.Dont just rely on the grammatical concepts in the guides.Develop your concepts .Note them down in a book.initially a number of sc quetions will leave you in a quandary with each option seeming equally correct.This is particularly frustrating.but with time & practice you will learn the nuances of sc and will be able to make those fine distinctions and what doesn't.
3.Take as many tests as on your stamina.
4.Awa is a breeze.You just need a couple of days before the exam to develop a format that will answer the standard questions asked.
5.Enjoy the process .If you just wish it to be over with ,then add 50 to the score on d day and know,that this is what you could have had instead.easier said than done.I know.
6.Nurture the heart to move on.I know its an easy question but son...Time is of the essence