by NitinG177 Thu Aug 13, 2015 6:34 am
Hello Ron,
I would like to have your opinion on the following :-
1)The building took 500 men to complete it.
2)The building took 36 years to complete.
3)The building took 500 men 12 years to complete.
IF all the above 3 examples are correct, from them , can we deduce that when we mention only time frame in these sort of constructions, we do not need the pronoun at the end, while if we are only talking about human labor , then can we deduce that we need to include the pronoun at the end ( PS: i do now know of any specific rules about them and merely using the empirical knowledge i have about this language.)
Also , what do you think about the following analogy :
700,000 men took 36 years to complete the XXXX [although this now makes the "army.. " the object .. i am not really sure about this type of construction, whereby in one of the parallel element XXXX is subject and in the other parallel element it becomes the object .. However, i could not find any logical fallacy in such construction..]
Using this analogy, i could easily justify the omission of pronoun "IT" at the end .