I have bought GmatPrep Question Pack 1 and is practising. In CR I have found that when I am trying the medium hard and hard questions I am taking some good amount of time (2 min - 2:30 min) to understand the logic behind them. Plus reading the options takes some 1 min more but after spending around 3:30 min - 4 min I am able to answer most of them successfully. Now that is a big time in GMAT and I know I should be able to figure about the answer in 2:30 min or else I should move on to the next question. I have also seen that if I try to spend less amount of time and try to hurry and finish identifying the correct answer in around 2:30 min I am choosing the wrong answer. This is happening only for the hard and medium hard questions and for the easy ones I am able to identify the logic and eliminate the errors and choose the right answer well within 2 min. How to overcome this?
The good thing is that I am able to grasp the CR logic but the bad thing is that it is taking time for me to solve it. This is happening for assumption, strengthen, weaken and 'if true' strengthen questions. How to improve this timing thing?