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Re: GMATPREP---Irradiation of food

by AmanT701 Thu Jan 19, 2017 8:47 am

That's how I approached the question.

At first, the word misleading suggests that a consumer might draw a wrong inference after reading the information given in the passage. And I suppose our job is to find a reason for that wrong inference or simply weaken that inference. E as per my understanding suggests that both the Processes destroy the nutritional value(which we already know from the given passage), not offering something that challenges the logic used to draw that faulty inference.

Hence, not very clear. Again not challenging the explanations above, just trying to test my approach.
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Re: GMATPREP---Irradiation of food

by RonPurewal Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:49 pm

AmanT701 Wrote:E as per my understanding suggests that both the Processes destroy the nutritional value(which we already know from the given passage)

the passage absolutely does NOT tell us that the processes can combine to destroy nutritional value even FURTHER (= what choice E tells us).