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gmatprep _exampack3 most widely known images of Yosemite

by Zen Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:47 pm

Posts: 19744
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Re: gmatprep _exampack3 most widely known images of Yosemite

by RonPurewal Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:45 am

Zen Wrote:[redacted]
I eliminated B,C ,and E based on questionable parallelism. My choice was between A and D but i didn't quite approve of [redacted]

"Didn't quite approve"!

Well ... if you "don't approve" of one of GMAC's official answers, then GMAC is right and you are wrong. Period, end of story.

Officially correct answers are correct!
Do not question them!

Don't fight the official answers. Complete waste of time.

"is this correct?" is never a productive question to ask about one of GMAC's correct answers. The answer is always yes.

"is this wrong?" / "is this X type of error?" is never a productive question to ask about one of GMAC's correct answers. The answer is always no.

Instead, the questions you should be asking about correct official answers, if you don't understand them, are:
"Why is this correct?"
"How does this work?"
"What understanding am I lacking that I need to understand this choice?"

This is a small, but hugely significant, change to your way of thinking. You will find it much easier to understand the format, style, and conventions of the official problems if you retire the idea that they might be wrong.


"From time X on(ward)" is a perfectly respectable construction. It means, essentially, "starting at time X".
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Re: gmatprep _exampack3 most widely known images of Yosemite

by RonPurewal Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:46 am

The problem with D is that comma + __ing refers to the subject + action of the preceding sentence. So, choices D and E imply that the "widely known images" photographed the park, rather than that Adams did. Doesn't make sense.
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Re: gmatprep _exampack3 most widely known images of Yosemite

by thanghnvn Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:04 am

why B and C are wrong?, pls explain.

I see "starting" in B and C is wrong because there is not comma for "starting" to refer to the subject of the previous clause and there is no legitimate noun preceding immediately for the "staring" to refer to

but I still want a full explanation of B and D. I feel uneasy with B and C.
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Re: gmatprep _exampack3 most widely known images of Yosemite

by RonPurewal Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:27 am

B and C are redundant. (C is double- or even triple-redundant!)

If you have the notions of "continuously" and "from his teenage years", then there's no need for "starting from...", which is already implied.
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Re: gmatprep _exampack3 most widely known images of Yosemite

by HemantR606 Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:23 pm

Hi Ron,

Apart from redundancy in C, isn't the use of 'and' wrong here because the parts on either sides of 'and' are not different ideas?

Thanks a lot,
Posts: 19744
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:23 am

Re: gmatprep _exampack3 most widely known images of Yosemite

by RonPurewal Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:41 am

i just noticed 'exam pack' in the title.

sorry, but we can't use paid items here. only problems from the FREE gmat prep software can be used here.