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Gmatprep 2: CR: Standard of living

by vittalk_usa Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:09 pm

Hi Ron, Stacey,
Can u pls help me here. How do I attack this problem. This looks like a formal reasoning problem?

Neither a rising standard of living nor balanced trade, by itself, establishes a country's ability to compete in the international marketplace. Both are required simultaneously since standards of living can rise because of growing trade deficits and trade can be balanced by means of a decline in country's standard of living.

If the the facts stated in the passage above are true,a proper test of a country's ability to be competitive is its ability to

a) balance its trade while its standard of living rises
b) balance its trace while its standard of living falls
c) increase trade deficits while its standard of living rises
d) decrease trade deficits while its standard of living falls
e) keep its standard of living constant while trade deficits rise.
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Re: Gmatprep 2: CR: Standard of living

by htchanit Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:08 pm

the correct is "(a) balance its trade while its standard of living rises", isn't it ?
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Re: Gmatprep 2: CR: Standard of living

by agha79 Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:33 am

Best way to Solve this problem is if you diagram it and once you have done that it becomes very simple.
In the paragraph we are told Balance Trade and rising standard of living are required to compete in the international marketplace. This is our conclusion.
Second Sentence explains
Standard of Living "UP" Trade Deficit "UP"
Standard of Living "Down" Trade can be balanced
Based on above we know "A" is the right answer
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Re: Gmatprep 2: CR: Standard of living

by RonPurewal Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:37 am

htchanit Wrote:the correct is "(a) balance its trade while its standard of living rises", isn't it ?


this is one of the few passages on which they actually tell you, more or less explicitly, the correct answer; the primary challenge is to piece together the antecedent of the word both in the second sentence.

i.e., the second sentence of the passage says "both are required simultaneously". once you figure out what this is referring to, you've got it.
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Re: Gmatprep 2: CR: Standard of living

by aps_asks Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:16 pm

Hi Instructors ,

I am a little confused
Is this a must be true question or Evaluate the Argument.

Please let me know your comments.
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Re: Gmatprep 2: CR: Standard of living

by RonPurewal Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:09 pm

aps_asks Wrote:Hi Instructors ,

I am a little confused
Is this a must be true question or Evaluate the Argument.

Please let me know your comments.

you are trying to figure out what must be true, so i guess you would call this a "must be true" question.


also note that you can solve this problem entirely by using common sense -- obviously, increasing deficits or falling standards of living are not signs that a country is competitive!

by just using enough common sense to say "ok, we're looking for good things", you can eliminate all four of the wrong answer choices.
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Re: Gmatprep 2: CR: Standard of living

by aps_asks Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:10 pm

Thanks Ron for your inputs!
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Re: Gmatprep 2: CR: Standard of living

by jnelson0612 Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:49 pm

Great! :-)
Jamie Nelson
ManhattanGMAT Instructor