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GMAT wins round 1. 630 ( M 48 , V27)

by rudrabhatla_vijay Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:16 am

Hello all,

I am a silent member of this forum. But today i want some advice from you all. i prepared for the GMAT for 1.5 months and ended up with this horrible score. I was consistently scoring more than 660 in all the tests I took. Can you please help me how to improve my score to 700+ within a month ?

My scores in MGMAT and Prep :

Prep 1 - July 24th - 660 M - 49 v - 34
MGMAT 1 (long time back)- May 28th - 640 M -47 V -31
MGMAT 2 -AUG 12th - 680 M - 47 V-35
MGMAT 3 -AUG 19th - 690 M - 49 V-35
MGMAT 4 -AUG 20th - 700 M - 47 V-38
MGMAT 5 -AUG 27th - 670 M - 45 V 36
Prep 2 - Aug 29th - 710 M -48 V -38

Since my last exam was just before the real test which I took on Sep 1st , I thought i would score around that mark.And I never scored less than 30 in verbal.But the verbal section in the GMAT pulled down my score heavily. How can I improve my verbal score ?

Things I have noticed in the GMAT in my Verbal section :

1.) Got a lot of CR. I am generally strong at S/W/A types of questions but not that strong in the minor question types. But I got 10-12 questions of the minor question types and 3-4 questions of strengthen and weaken. Didnt get even a single assumption.
2.) got less than 10 SC questions . Is this possible ? or maybe i didnt notice them .
3.) Got 4 RCs and out of which 2 are huge. I generally get an accuracy of 80-90% in business and science related RC but when it comes to Women emancipation , the accuracy comes down to 50%. I think I have a mental block here.

Materials used for verbal preparation :

1. Manhattan SC- for SC
2. OG11 and Verbal review for CR and RC.
3. Manhattan CR

I just saw the tips for RC in Novas RC. I couldnt practice much due to the lack of time. But I have analyzed all of the tests I have taken and found that I got only 1 question right out of the 10 questions in resolve a paradox. I got around 5 questions on this model in the main GMAT. How can I improve in such particular areas ?

Another question . I got 2 questions in the exam which have only 1 sentence and the question asks which of the following args can best help to evaluate the above . I have not faced such unique questions before . Where can i find such questions ?

In case you want more info about my test then I am ready to share.

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Joined: Wed Jun 27, 2007 2:03 am

Re: GMAT wins round 1. 630 ( M 48 , V27)

by abhasjha Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:19 am

I have taken and found that I got only 1 question right out of the 10 questions in resolve a paradox. I got around 5 questions on this model in the main GMAT. How can I improve in such particular areas ?

USe the CR bible . It will certainly help you with resolve the paradox question . An active resolution will be one which adresses both side of the issue .

I got 2 questions in the exam which have only 1 sentence and the question asks which of the following args can best help to evaluate the above

juding or assesing or evaluating the validity of an argument is done by using the variance test . This too is explained in detail in the GMAT CR bible and the book can be freely downloaded from the internet .

I am not sure if i can write more about this on this forum . Feel free to ask me any question if you wish too .If at all manhattan allows you to PM me then you can do that as well so that i can answer you in detail .

I wish you all the best for you future endeavours

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Re: GMAT wins round 1. 630 ( M 48 , V27)

by gauri_malhotra Thu Sep 17, 2009 6:38 pm

How are you planning your study this time ???
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Joined: Wed May 27, 2009 8:44 pm

Re: GMAT wins round 1. 630 ( M 48 , V27)

by rudrabhatla_vijay Fri Sep 18, 2009 11:56 pm

gauri_malhotra Wrote:How are you planning your study this time ???

Hi Gauri

I am planning to start with the CR bible and get my basics/strategy right. From my experience I noticed that getting 700 is not that tough a task when the basics are right. So once i finish with the CR Bible then, I would like to solve a few LSAT CR which are significantly tougher than the GMAT ones. Since I already completed manhattan SC , I would like to practice SC from either 1000SC or from the OGs . And for RC , I realize that I am getting the questions in the History passages wrong. So I will try and search for such passages and try to find some correlation in them. These steps, I presume would take care of the Verbal part, which contributes a lot to the score. GMAT is considered to be more biased towards Verbal and that would ensure the score crosses 700 .

In case I need to make changes in my plan , please feel free to suggest the changes. Else you can always mail me on
