Hello all,
I am a silent member of this forum. But today i want some advice from you all. i prepared for the GMAT for 1.5 months and ended up with this horrible score. I was consistently scoring more than 660 in all the tests I took. Can you please help me how to improve my score to 700+ within a month ?
My scores in MGMAT and Prep :
Prep 1 - July 24th - 660 M - 49 v - 34
MGMAT 1 (long time back)- May 28th - 640 M -47 V -31
MGMAT 2 -AUG 12th - 680 M - 47 V-35
MGMAT 3 -AUG 19th - 690 M - 49 V-35
MGMAT 4 -AUG 20th - 700 M - 47 V-38
MGMAT 5 -AUG 27th - 670 M - 45 V 36
Prep 2 - Aug 29th - 710 M -48 V -38
Since my last exam was just before the real test which I took on Sep 1st , I thought i would score around that mark.And I never scored less than 30 in verbal.But the verbal section in the GMAT pulled down my score heavily. How can I improve my verbal score ?
Things I have noticed in the GMAT in my Verbal section :
1.) Got a lot of CR. I am generally strong at S/W/A types of questions but not that strong in the minor question types. But I got 10-12 questions of the minor question types and 3-4 questions of strengthen and weaken. Didnt get even a single assumption.
2.) got less than 10 SC questions . Is this possible ? or maybe i didnt notice them .
3.) Got 4 RCs and out of which 2 are huge. I generally get an accuracy of 80-90% in business and science related RC but when it comes to Women emancipation , the accuracy comes down to 50%. I think I have a mental block here.
Materials used for verbal preparation :
1. Manhattan SC- for SC
2. OG11 and Verbal review for CR and RC.
3. Manhattan CR
I just saw the tips for RC in Novas RC. I couldnt practice much due to the lack of time. But I have analyzed all of the tests I have taken and found that I got only 1 question right out of the 10 questions in resolve a paradox. I got around 5 questions on this model in the main GMAT. How can I improve in such particular areas ?
Another question . I got 2 questions in the exam which have only 1 sentence and the question asks which of the following args can best help to evaluate the above . I have not faced such unique questions before . Where can i find such questions ?
In case you want more info about my test then I am ready to share.