I recently took a GMAT Prep exam. I had less than a minute left for the last question #36 on the verbal section. But I seleected an answer and confirmed by submitting the response. The screen was stuck with the "please wait" icon on the center of the screen. I thought it was processing and would take me to the complete/finish screen. But the time was ticking in the background and I exhausted all the remaining time left and got some message which said this section has expired or I have run out of time or something. But I very well remember that I submitted and confirmed the answer before the time ran out.
After I finished all the sections, on the review screen, I noticed that it said: Verbal - 35 Questions 8 Incorrect (Questions #2, 3, 5, 13, 19, 24, 26, 35). I wasn't sure what this meant. So then I thought may be 36th question's response was not taken into consideration? Did the exam assume that I ran out of time for the 36th question, hence it did not show that i answered 36 questions on the review screen? So my verbal score turned out to be 37. Is 37 reflective of such a section with the number of questions I answered incorrectly? Or is there a possibility the score dropped even further because #36 wasn't probably considered? I just wanted to understand what impact missing a question could have.