From what you've described, yes, you definitely have a timing issue. You're not being systematic enough when going through questions. For instance, you list a category of questions answered where you did NOT look at all of the answers. For the ones in this category which you answered INcorrectly, how often do you look at the answers afterwards and say to yourself, "Oh, duh, the answer is actually E! I just never looked at it!" There's an example of a careless mistake due to speed.
(Careless mistakes are, by definition, mistakes made when you did have the necessary knowledge or skill to answer the question correctly.)
There may also be content and technique gaps (usually there are) - you'll have to figure that out by asking yourself exactly WHY you missed any question that you missed. That will tell you what you might need to study or memorize.
You also mention starting slowly and then increasing speed through the rest of the section. It's possible that mental fatigue is leading to your increased speed - it's common with mental fatigue to "not care as much" as you get more fatigued, and so you start doing things such as answering questions without fully reading all of the answers. :)
Read this; does any of it sound familiar? ... you-crazy/Next, here's an article on time management. ... anagement/A lot of the focus in that article is on dealing with "too slow" timing problems, because that's the most common kind of timing problem people have, but you can use the information in the article to help you with "too fast" timing problems as well.
In particular, you are going to have to start being incredibly anal and systematic about verbal. Go through the answers *twice.* The first time is simply to eliminate; do NOT pick a correct answer on that first pass. Pick your answer the second time around.
On RC, you should be able to pick up your hand and point to the particular sentence or part of the passage that provides the evidence for your answer. If you don't, you're more likely to make a careless mistake because you're not checking to make sure.
So go figure out when and why you make the mistakes that you make, and then start dealing with them accordingly. :)
Nice job on the test, by the way!