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MGMAT Student

GMAT Test taking multimple times

by MGMAT Student Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:26 am

I've taken the GMAT a total of 3 times. First time in Aug 2002 and got a 590, then in Dec 2006 and got a 400 and finally last Tuesday(June 26/07) and got a 500. I recently took MGMAT course and was scoring 600 in my practice tests. I'm considering taking it again, but am not sure if this would actually look worse in my Bschool application than another (hopefully higher score). Can you recommend a next step as far as the GMAT?

In regards to the rest of my application, I have 6 years of experience in Risk Management at a credit card company as well as an Engineering degree from Cornell University. I also have a masters in Engineering management from the same school. I'm female and of hispanic origin and fully billingual.

Mgmat Student[code]

by MBAApply Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:46 pm

As far as I know, b-schools only see your last 3 scores, so they won't know how many times you've actually taken it.

If you can, give it another shot - rather than rush towards a re-take, consider taking more time on the prep, and apply in Round 2 (January deadlines) instead of Round 1.

Good luck
