Hello All,
I just took the GMAT the second time around and pretty much scored the same thing.
GMAT 1: 6/1/14 - 660 Q44, V36
GMAT 2: 11/17/14 - 640 Q44, V34
While taking this test, I felt as though I was doing great on the first few verbal questions, but at some point, I was at question 20 with 17 minutes remaining. Really horrible to say the least.
I don't know what happened to be honest? Maybe mental fatigue? I had been practicing with full test's so I knew what to expect. I feel as though CR and RC are the two things that suck up my time if i'm not careful. I would love some criticism on how to improve my timing? I've read a lot of articles but for some reason, it obviously hasn't helped me much? I've rescheduled the test for next month while things are still fresh.
I've also done pretty much all of the OG problems and taken the GMAT prep practice tests, so at this point, i'm just recalling stuff from memory. I've also taken the MGMAT CAT's multiple times so there's obviously something that isn't clicking. Is there a place I should refer to to get additional questions or should I be doing something other than just answering these questions?