by Jim Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:47 pm
I am submitting my Resume along with materials to complete my applications -Top 15 schools. But, I have a question regarding how to present a past promotion--here is the story:
5 years ago, I worked for a small real estate investment company and the last 4 weeks of my tenure, I was asked to be a team leader of risk analysis of our portfolio by our RVP. During this time our RVP was battling cancer and passed away before the paperwork was finalized, however, I was "playing the role" for 2 months prior to his death. After he passed away our offices consolidated and I took a job else where, where I worked for the last five years.
Now, I am tempted to type "team leader" on my resume, but unsure if I should? If it would be unethical, even though I did run our risk assessment team for those last 2 months. Do adcomms do background checks of titles of previous jobs? Thanks.