Study and Strategy questions relating to the GMAT.
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GMAT Exam in 3 days-Need Help in Deciding..URGENT!!!! MSTAFF

by aksap17 Mon Oct 12, 2009 10:26 am

First of all I am really impressed with the quality of response and advice given by the ManhattanStaff to many queries posted by GMAT aspirants.

Hence I thought it best to just put my query here to get the FINAL Decision which is making me go crazy.

> I have my GMAT exam in 3 days - 16 OCT
-- My Mock scores are hovering around the 630 mark (MGMAT1,2 - 630, MGMAT3-640; GMATPrep1 - 630; GMATPrep2 - 590 :( (got disturbed by door bells :( ) )
--location- India
--Target Score -700-730
--Fairly confident of getting that score given the time (which I am ridiculously short of :(, since R1 deadlines r gone,so m left with R2)

I am in a fix as to which of the below options should I go with:-

1. whether to go ahead with the current GMAT date of 16 OCT,in which case I should settle for a score of 640-660, and apply for BSchools with less prospects


2.Postpone my GMAT date by 2 months (Nov is going to be hectic in terms of work,so cannot dedicate time for GMAT,DEC is the month for GMAT study).
This means I need to forego R2 deadlines of the Bschools and apply for R1 in 2010
Also, I need to pay the FULL $250 again(rescheduling within 7 days of current date) :(, my previous 250 bucks will be wasted :(

3.Go ahead with the current GMAT date, get the score of 640-660 (worst case scenario) apply for targetted BSchools,hope for the best. if I get an admit,nothing like it, if not RETAKE the TEST again in 2 months and get the target score.

this brings me to my next Query:-

Will retaking the GMAT exam affect my prospects/impression adversely in the eyes of the BSchools (i.e.Top30 bSchools) ?

Please help me make the decision and provide your expert advice urgently.

Thanks & Regards,
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Location: Montreal

Re: GMAT Exam in 3 days-Need Help in Deciding..URGENT!!!! MSTAFF

by StaceyKoprince Tue Oct 13, 2009 4:44 pm

A very quick response - and FYI for future, in typically takes at least 3 days and sometimes up to a week to get a response in this folder. I have to leave for class in 5 minutes, so I can't give you a long response today.

The score you get on a practice test the week before the real test is likely about the score that you will get on the real test. I can't tell you whether to change your goals and apply to different schools - that's up to you - but you should generally expect to score in the same range that you are scoring on practice tests (assuming that you took the practice tests under full official conditions).

Most schools in the US don't care if you take the test twice. I'm not sure about the schools in India, however - you may want to check directly with them. Ask them what they do if an applicant has taken the test multiple times. If they will only look at the highest score, then there's not much harm in taking the test now and seeing what happens. (I say "not much" because there is the possibility that you will demoralize yourself. But if you go into it expecting what you are currently scoring and you'll just consider it fantastic and lucky if you get a higher score, then go for it. If you'll get demoralized - even though you shouldn't actually be expecting a much higher score - then you may want to think twice about taking it.)
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:10 am

Re: GMAT Exam in 3 days-Need Help in Deciding..URGENT!!!! MSTAFF

by aksap17 Wed Oct 14, 2009 5:44 am


Thanx for the response.

I am going to apply for US Bschools and probably UK.

So it should not matter if I retake the test to get the target score, right?
As per what you said,I am going in with the current test date clealry knowing what my test score is likely to be.So I would not be demoralized if I get close to my current mock scores.

I have already set my mind on retaking the test, its just that i wanted an advice whether it is STRONGLY recommended to reschedule my date somewhere in Nov-End or early Dec rather than retaking it.

As per what I have seen in other posts, most Bschools (excluding maybe the top 10), wont mind the 2nd attempt. Correct me if I am wrong.

Thanks & Regards,
ManhattanGMAT Staff
Posts: 9363
Joined: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:05 am
Location: Montreal

Re: GMAT Exam in 3 days-Need Help in Deciding..URGENT!!!! MSTAFF

by StaceyKoprince Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:00 pm

You are right - most schools will look at your highest score, so they typically don't care if you take it 2 or 3 times. (Beyond that, some schools start to care.) Good luck!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum