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GMAT Done!

by mithra Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:57 pm

Prep material:
MGMAT all guides 3rd edition
OG 11th, Verbal supplemental
just the extra questions from OG 12 during last week

Tests given:
9/29/09-MGMAT 1- 500 (Q-38, V-21)
11/19/09- MGMAT 2- 630 (42,34)
12/5/09-MGMAT 3- 560 (38,29)
12/12/09-MGMAT 4-610(46,29)
12/21/09-GPrep 1- 600 (43,29)
12/27/09-Gprep 1(R)-650(47,33)
01/11/10-Gprep 2- 660 (49,31)
01/13/10- Actual GMAT - same as GMAT Prep

My analysis:
It's very important to book the date, to feel the fire, and maybe 1 week before the exam u can give Gprep and see where u stand and decide to postpone or not. In my case, I knew what i was getting into, but just wanted to give the exam since i have been thinking of giving it for over a year now.

I learnt lot of SC tips in the final 10 days before exam from this forum, thanks to Ron & stacey, and it did help me identify the questions. Though I did feel SC problems on GMAT were very complicated, I could not hang on to anything in many problems, i choose most of my answers based on "it sounds right" and from my experience through practice on identifying questions with awkward, wordiness most questions, all of the answer choices sounding awkward, and ungrammatical...nways I guess I just fell short of my preparation there.
In CR and RC, there is nothing much I could do during last few days, I was good at CR but RC I was getting atleast 50% right in all passages. Diagramming and taking notes may help, if you are a fast reader but I am a very slow reader, I just read through the passage and answered questions.

Quants was of same difficulty level as GMAT Prep, all questions were conceptual, if you know the concepts cold and practiced well, u can pretty much do all of them....I was lagging in time in between and rushed in between only to be left with 8 mins for last 2 questions, i guess thats where I messed up, only to realize how important is time management.