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GMAT 670

by KRISARUN Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:19 am


I gave my GMAT couple of weeks ago and scored 670. Q-49 (88%), V-32 (62%) and AWA - 6 (87%). I am 32 yrs old with very good work-ex. I want to apply in R-1. I am an Indian CA with a Industry-cum-Consulting background and I can get excellent recos. Is my score low. Do i hv to re-take GMAT and apply in R-2?

MBA Mission

Re: GMAT 670

by MBA Mission Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:12 pm


If you are considering top schools, as an older candidate coming from an over-represented pool, a 670 likely won’t be "enough" for you to challenge at top-schools. Still, I would need to know much more about your candidacy to advise. Also, the question remains - do you think you can improve on this score?

Jeremy Shinewald
MBA Mission

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I gave my GMAT couple of weeks ago and scored 670. Q-49 (88%), V-32 (62%) and AWA - 6 (87%). I am 32 yrs old with very good work-ex. I want to apply in R-1. I am an Indian CA with a Industry-cum-Consulting background and I can get excellent recos. Is my score low. Do i hv to re-take GMAT and apply in R-2?


by Krisarun Mon Sep 08, 2008 2:46 am

Hi Jeremy,

I do believe that I can improve my scores. But that would mean that I have to spend my time on GMAT again rather than preparing my essays and applications. . I thought since i fall in the middle 80% range for all the top b schools, the score of 670 with high quants would be adequate. Is there an email id where I can reach you to send you my profile
