Q. Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
Garnet and RenCo each provide health care for their employees. Garnet pays for both testing of its employees' cholesterol levels and treatment of high cholesterol. This policy saves Garnet money, since high cholesterol left untreated for many years leads to conditions that require very expensive treatment. However, RenCo dose not have the same financial incentive to adopt such a policy, because ______.
A. early treatment of high cholesterol dose not entirely eliminate the possibility of a stroke later in life
B. the mass media regularly feature stories encouraging people to maintain diets that are low in cholesterol
C. RenCo has significantly more employees than Garnet has
D. RenCo's employees are unlikely to have higher cholesterol levels than Garnet's employees
E. the average length of time an employee stays with RenCo is less than it is with Garnet
I chose A.
Original Answer is E.
Please explain why A is wrong and why E is correct ?
On A how I thought is: The argument is about saving money. Garnet takes care of cholesterol in early stages to save money in future by avoiding very expensive treatments. and if as per option A the stroke is still expected in future then what is the benefit of adopting such policy and that is what RenCo might have thought. This is why I chose A. Please explain me where my thought process went wrong.
Why I eliminated E: Let's say at Garnet the avg. stay time is 60 years. At RenCo the avg. stay time is 59.99 years. Now nobody knows at what time length the high cholesterol left untreated becomes a very expensive affair. It might be after en employee leaves after 60 years or 59.99 years or it might be before an employee leaves after 60 years or 59.99 years therefore this point does not help in making a decision on whether to adopt the policy or not.
Please explain. Thanks.
(It would be great if your could also explain in the end why option D is wrong)