by abramson Wed Aug 29, 2007 12:20 am
Given that *abcd*= (3a)(5b)(7c)(11d)
and also given that *m* = (3r)(5s)(7t)(11u)
we can infer that the 4 digits of the number 'm' will look like this: 'rstu'
now n = 25* *m*. This can be written as the above number 'm' multiplied by 25.
This looks like: 5^2 * (rstu)
Since 's' is the power of 5, the above multiplication with 2 more powers of 5 will add into s, making 5^s in the original 'm' now equal to 5^(s+2).
So the 4 digits of 'n' are now 'r(s+2)tu'
And the 4 digits of 'm' are now 'rstu'
If you subtract m from n to get 'n-m', as the question asks, notice that 's' is in the thousands place, and all other digits are the same in both numbers.
Therefor, 'n' is greater than 'm' by 2 in the thousands place = 2000. Answer = (B).
Hope this helps!