I have a problem in this ques.
From comic artist Mark Tatulli's witty observations about the American obsession with all things Hollywood have emerged Heart of the City, a series centered on celebrity gossip and popular movies that are inspiring readers to send record volumes of fan mail to newspapers across the country.
(A) things Hollywood have emerged Heart of the City, a series centered on celebrity gossip and popular movies that are inspiring
(B) things Hollywood has emerged Heart of the City, a series centered on celebrity gossip and popular movies that is inspiring
(C) things that are related to Hollywood has emerged Heart of the City, a series centered on celebrity gossip and popular movies that inspire
(D) Hollywood things have emerged Heart of the City, a series centered on celebrity gossip and popular movies that are inspiring
(E) Hollywood things have emerged Heart of the City, a series centered on celebrity gossip and popular movies that inspire
OA is B....btI beleive in B --"popular movies that is inspiring" is wrong should be ..that are..
Bt in official reasoning it is written that antecedent of "that" is Heart of the city
as far as i know...that qualifies the noun just before it....
So i think C is better ans..
plz suggest.